IoT, also known as the Internet of Things is a network of things or objects that have technology that connects them together. So, it is what makes “Smart” technology smart. It is the many different elements that make Smart technology possible. The Internet, in itself, is a web of information accessible through search engines and websites. This is the same concept used to connect certain things in a household or business to make them work together or “Smart”. 

How does IoT work?

IoT works by using sensors, software, and other kinds of technology to collect and store data which will connect different kinds of devices so they function in a manner that is useful and is designed to make our lives easier. All of this data is stored on the cloud and then analyzed to find the patterns in our lives, then used to do things automatically for us. 

How does IoT do things for us?

Let’s look at one example of a piece of “Smart” technology. Thermostats are one of the most popular smart technologies. Once installed, you can control the device from an app on your phone or tablet, or computer. This thermostat then learns your habits by the settings you create for it and when you adjust them. It can sense when you are home and when are not. After taking in all this data for a while, it will automatically adjust the temperature setting in your house based on the time of day and if you are home. You won’t have to do a thing. 

How does IoT connect to other devices?

This is where it gets interesting. If you have other smart devices in your home, they are designed to gather all this data and then talk to each other all in an effort to simplify your life. The cloud is used for this data collection, which then goes to other technologies designed to analyze this data. Once the data is analyzed, these devices work together to do things for you. 

Do all Smart devices talk to each other?

No, not all Smart devices talk to each other. That is where the IoT comes into play. There are systems designed to connect Smart products. There are also Smart products that have been designed to connect with specific products. Let’s think about video doorbell services. Some of them will automatically connect to a platform, like Google or Amazon Alexa. Sometimes, these devices can be paired with a variety of systems, and sometimes they cannot. However, you will find more and more technologies will have the ability to be paired across different platforms.

The Benefit of connected devices

The benefit of having devices connected should be fairly easy to see. They are designed to make our lives easier by understanding our habits, which means they would be tailored to each person or family. The ability to control the doorbell, lights, thermostat, refrigerator, television, and whatever else you can think of, from an app on your phone, tablet or even a watch makes life more secure and simpler. Then to add the benefit of things happening for you because these systems talk to each other, make for a convenience that has never been a reality until now. 

How can my business take part in IoT?

If you have a business, you can easily take advantage of IoT either on the receiving end. However, now you should start to look at it from the other perspective by adding it to the range of services or products that you provide. You can think about how offering your product or service might benefit from including technology that would allow the consumer to use your goods and services in this manner. This is the wave of the future and to be on the cutting edge of technology could help your business to grow in ways you didn’t know were possible.

Now you know

Now that you know what IoT is, how are you going to use it in your life?  There are so many ways to connect your world together and make things simpler. Will you use it at home or in your business? Look for ways to be connected and use the technology available to make it better.