Every day, business teams around the world receive phishing emails. These emails are designed to look like they come from a legitimate source, but they’re actually from scammers who are hoping to steal sensitive information or infect computers with malware. According to ClearedIn, 1 in 99 emails is a phishing attack per statistics for 2021.

Thankfully, there are some steps you can take to protect your team from these dangerous phishing attacks. In this blog post, we’ll share four tips that will help you keep your team safe.

Teledata Teach Your Team About Phishing Emails

1. Teach your team to recognize phishing emails.

The first step in protecting your team is to teach them how to recognize phishing emails. Phishing emails often have poor grammar and misspellings, and they often use urgent language to try to get the recipient to take action immediately. If an email looks suspicious, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and delete it.

Teach Your Team About Phishing Emails Spam Filter


 2. Set up a spam filter

Another way to protect your team is to set up a spam filter for your email system. This will help to catch any phishing emails before they reach your team’s inboxes.

Teledata Teach Your Team About Updating Software

3. Keep your software up-to-date.

Phishing scammers often rely on security vulnerabilities in software to infect computers with malware. That’s why it’s important to keep all of the software on your computers up-to-date. By regularly installing security updates, you can make it much harder for scammers to attack your team.

Teledata Teach Your Team About Two Factor Security

4. Use two-factor authentication (2FA).

One of the best ways to protect against phishing attacks is to use two-factor authentication (2FA) for all of your online accounts. 2FA adds an extra layer of security by requiring both a password and a second form of identification, such as a fingerprint or a code generated by an app, before allowing someone to log in. This makes it much harder for scammers to gain access to your accounts, even if they have your password.

Phishing attacks are becoming more and more sophisticated, but there are steps you can take to protect your team from these dangerous emails. By teaching your team how to recognize phishing emails, setting up a spam filter, keeping your software up-to-date, and using two-factor authentication, you can help keep your business safe from these attacks.

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